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Terms of Use

Legal Research and Writing

Before placing an order, make sure you understand all of the terms and conditions of the Strategic Claim Resolution. It will benefit you avoid unpleasant surprises in the future, such as overage costs on your final bill. The terms and conditions that will apply to all business and residential services are listed below.

Acceptance of These Terms

Strategic Claim Resolution manages this website (the "Site"). It is designed for your personal use, education, and communication. Please browse the Site at your leisure; your access and use of the Site is governed by these Terms and Conditions and all relevant laws.

You accept these Terms of Use without limitation or qualification by using and browsing the Site or by posting information or Content on the Site. Strategic Claim Resolution maintains the right to limit or terminate your access to the Site and terminate or suspend your registration at any time for any reason, including failing to comply with these Terms of Use.

Website Security

You are not permitted to violate the website's security measures, such as accessing data not intended for such user or connecting onto a server where such use is not authorized, or attempting to tamper with any user, host, or network, which includes uploading a virus to the website.

Violations of network or system security may cause legal or criminal punishment. Infractions of this nature will be examined, and users who are found to be involved in them will be prosecuted. You agree not to disturb or attempt to interrupt the normal operation of this website or any activity taking place on it with any device, software, or routine.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Strategic Claim Resolution, its officers, directors, employees, and agents harmless from and against any activities, claims, or demands, including reasonable accounting and legal fees, alleging or effecting from your use of the Material or your breach of these Terms and Conditions. Strategic Claim Resolution will quickly notify you of any such claim, suit, or action and will assist you in fighting any such statement, suit, or proceeding at your expense.

Privacy Policy

Strategic Claim Resolution may collect personally identifiable information in combination with other information to identify you. Your name, e-mail address, date of birth, phone number, home or business mailing address. The privacy policy for Strategic Claim Resolution's website may be found here:


Strategic Claim Resolution will be entitled to immediate injunctive or equitable relief from a court of competent jurisdiction in the event of any actual or threatened unauthorized use of the Strategic Claim Resolution website, without waiving any other rights or remedies, and may obtain an order restraining any threatened or future unauthorized use or loss in each case, on the basis of affidavit evidence or otherwise, and without providing proof of actual damages or posting a bond or other surety.

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